Know what best-selling authors, novelists & professionals from different fields say about Scrivener by clicking here. Auto-save & backups: Automatically save & back up your projects whenever they are opened or closed.Full-screen writing: Lets you write in whatever form you want.Outliner: Work with an overview, arrange drafts, review synopsis & more.Corkboard: Step back & work on synopsis, move them & rearrange your manuscript.Import: Import all sorts of files including Word & OpenOffice documents.Styles: Indent block quotes & make text smaller at the same time.Text editor: Add bold, italics & other formattings you'd expect.Scrivenings mode: Put together the pieces of your writing & edit them as part of a single document.

Scrivener won't tell you how to write-it simply provides everything you need to start writing and keep writing.

That's why writing professionals worldwide use Scrivener, the word processor and project management tool that stays with you from your first, unformed idea all the way through to the final draft. Ever tried writing a novel in Microsoft Word? Trust us, you don't want to.